Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blog - take 2

So much to do in life.  I made one post this summer after my sister inspired me to blog.  Now here I go again.  I want to have a place to record my life, my thoughts, my struggles and my progress.  I have already started working on the new ideas for 2014 - the new Sue.  I want to make some very specific changes to make the lives of those around me, and more importantly me - last longer.  I want to start walking 3-5 miles a day in a goal to walk at least 25 miles a week.  I want to get to the point where I can bike.  I would like to buy a bike to ride to the grocery store and downtown for activities.  I also want to get better at communicating to those I care about.  I want to send cards and mail - not just emails, texts and phone calls.  Everyone loves mail that isn't bills.  I also want to start eating more natural.  My goal is to give up bread and processed carbs.  I know that I'll never ever get to a hunter gatherer lifestyle, but I want to get close.  All the extra exercise and food changes should yield positive results on my diabetes and my weight.  I really want to give myself more free time - not commit to so much.  I want to go camping at least once a month and get back to hiking.  I really enjoy being outside.  I want to plant a little garden and a lot of flowers.  I want to see things grow.

Professionally - I want to make some changes too.  I want to make sure I'm presenting the way I want to be seen in the organization.  I want to come across more positive and more in tune with the world and the organization goals.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Inspiration unmasked...

Well - today is the first day of this blog.  My sister started a blog to share family adventures and that has very much inspired me to post my random thoughts and adventures.  I'm in for a crazy busy week.  I have to finish up 2 classes, including an exam, a discussion question and a paper due today.  More assignments due this week, which I want to get done by Thursday night.  My classes technically end on July 1.  I can finish up one for sure, but the final exam for my psychology class is not open to us yet.  I need to get my house cleaned up and pack up my suitcase.  I'm of for 2 weeks in Wisconsin.  A week of work remote and a week of vacation.  I was asked to serve beer Thursday to help out and probably will. I also want to get some "projects" done in the house - like reworking my guest room a bit, hanging some artwork, and beyond that - going through cabinets and cleaning them out a bit.  Its time to get rid of some old stuff I just don't use.  I need to reorganize the kitchen to provide better access to things I do use frequently.  I also just got a breadmaker and am excited about starting to make my own bread again soon.  So, I imagine I'll be researching some recipes. I realize now that we are one month through with summer, I"m about to be gone for 2 weeks, so half the summer will be gone, and I haven't accomplished much of what I wanted I guess when I get back - I have to start spending some weekends camping and exploring more of the state.  Time to get back to hiking and being outside.